
Elders Val & Deirdre Cooper 

Val & Deirdre basically met in the early 1970s in junior high school in Dallas, Oregon, but didn’t reconnect and marry until March of 2010, after being married to other spouses. Val grew up in the Christian church and went to Bible college in Washington. Being a general contractor, he assists with The River’s facility improvements, occasionally teaches and helps with worship in the Children's Ministry and also helps with the men’s ministry.  Deirdre has worked as a church office administrator since 2001, and began doing so at The River in December of 2017.  She also serves on the Women's Ministry Team.  Val & Deirdre began attending The River Church on January 8, 2017, due to a severe “snow day” when most churches in town weren’t open.  They were hooked from the start! Even though it was not what they were used to, they were drawn to the "atmosphere" (which they now know was the Holy Spirit)! The couple is honored to be serving at The River and look forward to additional spiritual growth as they assist with the growth of the church and “taking the City for Jesus."

Elder Cathy Eldridge 

In November 1992, Cathy rededicated her life back to Jesus. She had been raised in a Christian home, but decided she knew how to do it better, so off she went and made a mess of her life. She was sitting next to her ever-faithful-in-the-Lord mother at her church and quietly bowed her head and asked the Lord for forgiveness in her life. Cathy so wanted her life to be better. She didn’t tell anyone; she just started to try to live her life the way she knew it should be. Cathy told Jesus she would never go back again. She has been stuck a few times, but she has kept her promise to Him and has never gone back -- always to be pressing forward, always wanting her life to look like something that others would want. Cathy was "shopping" for a church when she came to The River. She stepped across the threshold and was immediately met by the strong presence of God. That was it for her.  She always says, “As long as Jesus goes to church at The River, I will go to church at The River.”

Elder Angie Millard 

Angie was saved when she was 7 years old. She heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and wanted to serve a God that could save her from anything. Since then she has had a lot of trials and tribulations, but she looks to Jesus to sustain her, to give her joy, and peace. He is so faithful and so good. She also loves sharing Jesus' love with others. When she grows up, she wants to be a full-time evangelist. He is her God, her King, and her Lord, and she wants to serve Him all the days of her life forever and ever. Amen! 

Elder Nyssa Piesker 

Nyssa has been attending The River since 2017. Being at The River has been like a recovery program because of how she was "loved back to life." At first, she hid that she was a music teacher, feeling beat up by the pressures of performing. She now leads the worship ministry, doing far beyond what she ever envisioned when God first called her. During worship services, people have experienced the anointing of God bringing increasing levels of freedom and spontaneous healings. She counts it a privilege to serve alongside the leaders at The River, and is honored to have the Holy Spirit as her worship leader.

Elders Stanley & Candace Haley 

Stanley and Candace were married in 1985 in San Diego, California, after finding each other through a Bible study while he was in the Navy.  Stan rededicated his life to Christ after spending a night in the drunk tank in 1983. He was baptized in the Spirit after that. Candace asked Christ into her heart while watching Billy Graham on TV at age 8. She became an RN in 1991, after working as an LVN in ICU settings.  During that time, she became extremely hungry for the Lord. They both had the joy of the Lord and had always wanted a richer life in Christ. Candace went to a two-year Bible program which brought anointed teaching into their home. They had their daughter in 1992. They tried different things, but it all came together for them when they came to be part of The River Church five years ago. They went to the Philippines with Reverend Lew Wootan in 2000, while they attended church with the Bankes for many years. They are realizing the fulfillment of their dreams and love what they are doing now, living a full life of ministry. 

Elders David & Kendra Gibby 

David and Kendra Gibby have been attending The River Church since the fall of 2016. After only a short time sitting under the anointing and hearing the word of God, they both decided to answer the call of God in their lives. In July 2017, they were married by Pastor Lew in front of the church congregation. Since then, they have been serving the Lord with all their hearts. Kendra is the Children's Ministry Director and David serves with her and as a Sound Technician. God has done amazing things in their lives, and it has affected their entire family. They count it an honor to serve at The River Church and are committed to the vision of The River to see the City of Salem saved.

Elders Kimo & Carmelita Grace

Kimo and Carmelita, being led by the Holy Spirit, met in 2012 and were married in 2013. Both had been previously married, and they each have 3 children with their previous spouses, all of whom are young adults now. Carmelita's children: Zacheriah (1995), Jacob (1999), and Breana (2001); Kimo's children: Shalia (1997), Brittany (1999), and Kobe (2002).

Kimo's parents were a part of EE (Evangelism Explosion) when he was a child. At the age of 10, during their weekly family Bible study, his parents led him in the sinner's prayer.  Over the course of the next 36 years, Kimo has served as a leader in a security ministry, co-led marriage Bible studies, and has been a head usher.
Carmelita grew up experiencing Catholic and Mormon churches until she was 13. When she was a freshman in high school, her mom gave her a gospel tract and encouraged her to ask Jesus into her heart; she then prayed the sinner's prayer. It would be years before Carmelita would come to be able to give Jesus her self-made masks and walls. At age 19 she began attending non-denominational churches until at 23 she solely started attending Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore, California. During the 12 years she was there, Carmelita served in different ministries which included: connections ministry, outreach ministry, as well as serving as a greeter for their greeter/usher/security ministry.  Carmelita believes her experiences were and are used by our Lord to prepare her for such a time as this as she serves Him with her husband Kimo here at The River Church.
Kimo and Carmelita are excited for where God is leading them in ministry and are currently head ushers and Deacons at The River Church.